Copyright 1984-1998 FileMaker, Inc. HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 alis@ alisA alisA VDEFA VDEFA HBAM3016AUG95@ 10-1999 nknown an unexpected TCP/IP error ( AppleTalk is not enabled ( TCP/IP couldn't be initialized (:the manually set TCP/IP address is configured improperly (Jthe TCP/IP address is already in use or an address could not be obtained ( ; This file is created and used by FileMaker Pro for TCP/IP access. ; It should contain one IP address or host name per line. ; Lines starting with a semicolon are ignored. FileMaker Hosts Local Hosts Specify Host...:FileMaker host name is limited to 32 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 10/15/99 CPORTNAMES CREATIONDATE CREATIONTIME CVERSION GADVANCEDFLOWCONTROL d GDATABITS GERRORCODE GFLOWCONTROL GNUMBER GPARITY a GPORTNAME GSPEED W GSTOPBITS GTEMPBUFFER GTEMPRESULTRECEIVED WEIGHT gNumberB cVersionB |("Serial-Version" Serial-Version baud=57600 stop=10 data=8 parity=none flowControl=XOnXOff Terminal Emulation Preferences MenuB gErrorCodeB cPortNamesB |("Serial-GetPortNames" Serial-GetPortNames gSpeedB WeightB ]A gPortNameB gTempResultReceivedB _A gStopBitsB `A gDataBitsB gParityB trueB gFlowControlB gAdvancedFlowControlB dFlowControlB gText to sendB gSendSeparator gSendSeparatorratorrator CreationDateB gTempBufferB CreationTimeB 0x0D| gPortIsSuspendedB CreationDateB Terminal EmulationB 1999 Troi Automatisering Weighing Scale OSDo this once to create the settings appropiate for your computer and serial port... Start Weighing To Main Menu RJThis file connects to a weighing scale, or any other continous data device Then start the weighing. Weigh Menu Set Port Preferences OSDo this once to create the settings appropiate for your computer and serial port... Start Terminal Emulation To Main Menu R'This file emulates a Terminal program. T9Then start the terminal emulation with the serial port... Terminal Menu Set Port Preferences PreferencesB hen data is coming in this script will be triggered by the serial plug-in.B Resume the incoming data...CW |("Serial-Control" ] & "resume") Serial-Control resume ") >= 2 ") >= 2 |("Serial-Control" ] & "suspend") Serial-Control suspend = 0 ") >= 2 Cut of at the end of the lineKl -1) - 1) Copy one line...Mp -1) returned error code Measure now! (re)start Weighing To Main Menu Weigh Menu Set Port Preferences Weighing Scale Weight O-Press here to get one measurement in a record Open the serial portB" ] = "" Cancel First select a valid port name.D |("Serial-Open" ] & "|" & W & " " & _ & " " & ` & " " & a & " "& Serial-Open <> 0 = "$$-97" $$-97 Cancelm mPort is in use 2000 kg 13-10-1999 14:13:29 10-1999 14:12:25 14-10-1999 14:12:33 14-10-1999 14:12:38 14-10-1999 14-10-1999 1234567 kg 14-10-1999 To Main Menu To Terminal Menu To Preferences ----- General ------ %Check for Presence of Serial plug-in ----- Opening Up ------ *Open Serial Port And Prepare for Receiving Open Serial Port and Suspend "----- Sending and Receiving ------ Measure Now , Receive Data in global gTempResultReceived ----- Close ----- Close Serial Port ----- Misc ------ Open file Set all globals BeepBeep speed port name stop bits data bits parity standard flow control advanced flow control "A-TIP Only use advanced control if you need to. flow control Set Serial Port Preferences send separator 1999 Troi Automatisering Weighing Scale Start Weighing To Main Menu Weigh Menu Set Port Preferences Add RETURN to send commands ='This file emulates a Terminal program. Terminal Menu Set Port Preferences Add RETURN to send commands Cancelm mAn error occurredI suspend the data coming inJ[ |("Serial-Control" ] & "|suspend") Serial-Control |suspend & "|" & W & " " & _ & " " & ` & " " & a & " "& Serial-Open <> 0 = "$$-97" $$-97 Cancelm mPort is in useHw Cancelm mAn error occurredI[ |("Serial-Control" ] & "|suspend") Serial-Control |suspend Helvetica Geneva Arial Times New Roman Monaco Courier Times Futura Courier New Palatino Minion Web New York AppleGaramond Bk AppleGaramond Lt Wingdings Chicago Open Serial Port and Suspend pen the serial portB" ] = "" Cancel First select a valid port name.D |("Serial-Open" ] & "|" & W & " " & _ & " " & ` & " " & a & " "& Serial-Open <> 0 = "$$-97" $$-97 Cancelm mPort is in use To Main Menu A*Check if this was called by the plug-in...B=You need this only when you use dispatch scripting via a KEY.CP |("Serial-DataWasReceived" Serial-DataWasReceived ----- Opening Up ------ A%Check for Presence of Serial plug-in Cancel First select a valid port name.D |("Serial-Open" ] & "|" & W & " " & _ & " " & ` & " " & a & " "& Serial-Open <> 0 = "$$-97" $$-97 Cancelm mPort is in useHw Cancelm mAn error occurred Set all globals |("Troi-Set Default Separator" "|") Troi-Set Default Separator -------- -------- A Open file ) = 2 ----- General ------ ----- Misc ------ BeepBeep Close Serial Port Open the serial portB< |("Serial-Close" Serial-Close A4Important: ALWAYS check if the plug-in is available!B)Check if this is FileMaker 4.0 or higher.CQ 1)) < 4 Canceld This file requires FileMaker 4.0 or higherE.Check if the Troi Serial Plug-in is available.F| |("Serial-Version" "") 14 ) <> "Serial Plug-in" Serial-Version Serial Plug-in ) = 1 Canceld The Serial Plug-in not found. Please put The Serial Plug-in into the Extensions folder inside the FileMaker folder. Also enable all the plug-ins under the application preferences. Canceld The Serial Plug-in not found. Please put the this Plug-in into the SYSTEM directory inside the FileMaker directory. Also enable all the plug-ins under the application preferences.JACheck if the correct version of Troi Serial Plug-in is available.Kq |("Serial-Version" "") 1 ) <> "2" Serial-Version Canceld This sample file demonstrates features of version 2.0 of the Serial Plug-in. Please install version 2.0 (or higher) of the plug-in first. To Preferences Measure Now E ______We will Try 10x _________F G&______Resume the incoming data..._____H[ |("Serial-Control" ] & "| resume") Serial-Control | resume ") >= 2 <> 0 A, Receive Data in global gTempResultReceived |("Serial-Receive" Serial-Receive 2 ) = "$$" ^ = "$$-28" $$-28 Cancel Open the port firstE- ^ = "$$-207" $$-207 Cancel Buffer overflow error.Gx Cancel An error occurred! Reset Dispatcher Script A*Open Serial Port And Prepare for Receiving Open the serial portB To Weigh Menu A Send Text Open the port first...Fw Cancelm An Error Occured.G' Pro 3.0 - 4.0F! Pro 3.0 - 4.0M1 zondag maandag dinsdag woensdag donderdag vrijdag zaterdag januari februari maart april augustus september oktober november december 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter VDEFA( (LIST LISTA inputControl=DTR outputControl=DSR DTR=enabled DTR=disabled inputControl=RTS outputControl=CTS RTS=enabled RTS=disabled inputControl=XOnXOff outputControl=XOnXOff VDEFA( (LIST LISTA VDEFA( (LIST LISTA Suspended VDEFA( speedsH portsI stop bitsJ data bitsK parityL basic flow controlM advanced flow controlN YesO Suspended FMRLA FMRLA PortnameD SeriExpl A)This script will resume receiving data...B.Then it will wait till one line of data is in.C E ______We will Try 10x _________F G&______Resume the incoming data..._____H[ |("Serial-Control" ] & "| resume") Serial-Control | resume ") >= 2 <> 0 |("Serial-Control" ] & "| suspend") Serial-Control | suspend = 0 ") >= 2 Cut of at the end of the lineSl -1) - 1) Copy one line... "A"----- Sending and Receiving ------ Suspend Receiving data AHThis script will temporarly stop receiving data from the specified port.ort.ll the plug-in the name of the script that is to be used when data comes in. B+This script is to be trigged only after ...C7... a CR character followed by a LF character comes in.D2You can specify your own string of characters too. |("Serial-SetDispatchScript" ) &"|" & "scriptname=" & "Process Data Received" & "|" & "waitformatch=" & |("Serial-ToASCII" "OxOD|Ox0A") ) Serial-SetDispatchScript scriptname= Process Data Received waitformatch= Serial-ToASCII OxOD|Ox0A| Suspend Receiving data AHThis script will temporarly stop receiving data from the specified port. |("Serial-Control" ] & "| suspend") Serial-Control | suspend = 0 ") >= 2 Cut of at the end of the lineSl -1) - 1) Copy one line...U -1) + 1 k9>Vx Cancel An error occurred! Cut of at the end of the linePl -1) - 1) Copy one line... ----- Close ----- Store Measure Results A9This script will create a record for the received data...BT = 0 ") >= 2 Cut of at the end of the lineDl -1) - 1) Copy one line...F -1) + 1 k9>Gx Cancel An error occurred! E ______We will Try 10x _________F gNumberB cVersionB |("Serial-Version" Serial-Version k]k]s o|g]{ k]k]w Nv_:5 g=g<_;w o\o}5 k=JW1 o\g{1 g=k]5 NvkZ2 s}g]k\ g=g